
Three posts in less than a week must have worn out my blogging mojo. I got a message today telling me it was time to blog and get something up on the front page!
I’ve been busy. And our internet was throttled. But since you saw me last, there was knitting camp – best ever! And some knitting, lots of working, the start of a cleaning lady (all hail the wonderful cleaning lady!) and all kinds of other boring stuff.
Knit Camp was fun, even counting the 24 hours without power. On Saturday night, by torchlight, I began a cardi for my sisters baby who was due in early June. In intarsia, no less. Starting intarsia by torchlight whilst under alcoholic influence wasn’t a good idea. It got ripped back and restarted on the Sunday morning. However, since then it’s been almost finished.

And a good thing, because the baby decided he couldn’t wait and was born last Tuesday. I’m a little worried that the raglan sleeves don’t look like they’ll fit neatly into the armholes, but we’ll soon find out. It’s a bit of a mashup of patterns going on here – the intarsia from one pattern, the cardi from another.
The only other real knitting action going on has been a top down raglan in Spud & Chloe sweater. I’d hoped it would be done by now, but life keeps getting in the way.

Not much to say here – it’s pink. (Surprise!) It’s stocking stitch. Hopefully I’ll have something a little more exciting next time.

13 thoughts on “Silence

  1. Very cute little cardi – and definitely needed now, hasn’t it gotten cold!! Can’t believe you started that by torchlight, heh!

  2. Oh you had no chance with that intarsia – champagne – no light – what were you thinking 😉 ..oh thats right you weren’t …ehhehe
    However it’s looking great now as is the pink 😀
    Your right- best camp !

  3. watching you start that cardi with a torch tucked under your chin was one of the funniest things ive ever seen. im not surprised by the ripping, but even so it looks just gorgeous. cant wait to see it on him. looooove the s&c sweater. great colour for you!

  4. Nawwww, Donna, that is so cute. I used to love intarsia, I need to get back into it.
    Do we get to see a photo of a baby wearing a teddy bear cardi?

  5. The cardi looks great and that Spud and Chloe is pink! Not too pink!
    And I have a great photo of the outcome of that knitting by torchlight under the influence of alcohol complete with astounded drk and web-goddess – hillarious!

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