Plugging away

I’ve been plugging away on a few different projects of late. First off, the Very Pink Jumper.

Boring. Stocking stitch. Top down raglan, all in one, should be quick. But it’s not. I’ve been plugging away at this one for a month, and am now nearing the finish line.
One small problem. See that tiny ball of yarn down in the corner? That’s all that’s left. I have a great fear that I am going to run short of yarn.
No problem! Order more!
Except that I bought it from a Rav destash, and it’s an old dyelot. Earlier this week, I emailed a great many stockists of this yarn, looking for one measly matching skein. Thankfully, Jimmy Beans Wool came through for me. They had just one skein of the correct dyelot in stock. That skein is now winging it’s way to me!
Another project I’ve been working onis the long neglected Akomeogi socks, started way back in September.

I’ve been taking these to work as train knitting, and working on them. If they look slightly different, that’s because they are. I’m a numbskull. I seem to have a real difficulty with socks and needle sizes.
With the first sock, I started the leg on 2.5mm needles, and changed down to 2mm needles for the foot. On the second sock, I’ve done the whole thing on 2mm needles.
I’m pretty sure these will go to Emily, because they look pretty gross stretched out over my cankles!
And finally, my at-work project has been Debbie Bliss’ “Spanish Dress” as a store sample. I work on samples for the store in quiet periods – these are growing increasingly rare as word about the store is getting out!
But last week, I finished it. And OMG the cute nearly killed me.

Pattern: “Spanish Dress” by Debbie Bliss from the book Design It, Knit It: Babies.
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Ecobaby in colour 14012, 1 and a bit balls. (100% cotton)
Needles: 2.25mm Addi turbo circulars
Skirt: Liberty Tana Lawn in “Mauvey” (Pink colourway)
Mods: None.
I did knit a pretty sizeable swatch, and if I’d frogged it, I probably would have got it all out of one ball of yarn. I did find some of the direction confusing, particularly in relation to the backs, where quite often I would finish a row on the wrong side to start the neck or armhole shaping. Otherwise, it’s a lovely pattern, and looks so sweet! I handsewed the skirt to the bodice, because I was worried that machine sewing might stretch the knitting out.
I’d absolutely knit it again for a summer baby!
No idea what’s happening with my knitting lately, but my tension keeps getting looser. This yarn should be knit on 3 – 3.25mm needles to get the gauge correct, I had to go down to 2.25mm needles. The Spud & Chloe Sweater I’m using for the very pink jumper recommends a 4.5 – 5.5mm, I’m using a 3.75mm. On worsted weight! At this rate, I’ll be using piano wire for socks!
Finally, Em was sad that the dress doesn’t fit her.

10 thoughts on “Plugging away

  1. oh my – that’s one PINK jumper!! It looks lovely, but I bet the endless rounds of stocking stitch require the occasional bouts of respite, am I right?? Finishing will be a reward – an how lucky you found skein!
    the socks and the wee dress are both very cute, too – i can’t even see the needle size difference between the socks, and I bet Em will love them 🙂

  2. this is such a pink post – perhaps your favorite colour?
    love the jumper and the socks – shame about the needle mix up though – I would 1/2 consider re casting on again
    the shop is super cool and the word should be out….

  3. Oh that dress is so cute – I must go and hunt out a copy of the book as that would be perfect for my tiny girl for the summer.

  4. Love the photo of Em and all your pink!! Such a shame about the socks, the yarn is gorgeous.

  5. That dress is so cute & gorgeous. I wish my girls are young enough to wear it. Love your pink sweater & I love top down. It may seems boring to knit but I am sure that sweater will be a wardrobe favorite.

  6. I can see why the “cute” nearly killed you – I love it too – beautiful !
    Bad luck on the pink yarn but Good luck you scored some – grr when that happens ;D
    I really like that sock pattern – me go looky up !

  7. Erika over at is running a Fun Game for Knitters (a poll) – “Will I have enough yarn to finish this?”
    Seems like there’s a lot of that going around right now.
    (And that’s a lot of pink up on that there page. Lots and lots of pink!)

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