My production was down this year.

1. Micha Dress, 2. Cobbler, 3. Saartje’s Bootees, 4. Dollheid Hat, 5. French Fancy Cardigan, 6. Pippa Cardi, 7. Potae Hat, 8. Road to Socialism ssocks, 9. Honey Cowl, 10. Camber cardi, 11. Easy Lace Cowl, 12. Noro gloves, 13. Olivia cardi, 14. Wussypillow mitts, 15. Jitterbug socks, 16. Frukttradgard hat, 17. Pink Mitts, 18. P1100459-001, 19. Ella coat, 20. Amelia top, 21. Poppy hat, 22. Hiccups socks, 23. Long Sleeved Baby Kina, 24. Isaac’s stripey cardi, 25. Kidsilk Creation Scarf, 26. Starr Jumper
26 items, usually it’s 32-35. A lot of what I knit this year was smaller, too – quite a few baby gifts in there, and a few shop samples.
The blogging took a hit this year, as well as the knitting. It wasn’t the easiest year I’ve had, and I’m pretty happy to see the back of it to be honest!
I did do a few whack of sewing this year, though. Lots of dresses and a few tops. Three quilts, a skirt or two. Sewing is so much quicker than knitting. I can easily cut out, sew up and finish a dress in a day! But knitting is more relaxing, a slower pace.
That’s what I’m aiming for this year. More relaxing, a slower pace. More knitting!
Happy new year, may 2013 be all you hope for and more!
Happy new year, may 2013 be all you hope for and more!
That still seems like an amazing amount to me, and so many pretty things that now need to be added to my ever expanding Ravelry queue. Happy New Year!
Beautiful blog! I’m inspired by your productivity.
That is still a lot of knitting – I love the color themes in those photos, lots of purple/blue/lavender and then all the reds. Hope 2013 is a good one for you!
I’d be pretty happy if I managed that many adult garments! You are one speedy knitting lady!
I ole your 2013 brings you all that and more.
I’m on board with the more relaxed, slower pace. That’s still an impressive amount of beautiful knitting for 2012.
Hi Donna – happy new year to you my dear friend
nat xx
of course i laughed out loud when i read ‘production was down’ and then saw 26 items! you are still, despite all the demands on your time, a knitting machine, i know 2012 has been really tough for you, its been hard sometimes to not be able to do more to help. i hope the new year brings you closer to some of your dreams. and lots more knitting!
of course i laughed out loud when i read ‘production was down’ and then saw 26 items! you are still, despite all the demands on your time, a knitting machine, i know 2012 has been really tough for you, its been hard sometimes to not be able to do more to help. i hope the new year brings you closer to some of your dreams. and lots more knitting!
Happy new year – that would be a fantastic output for me – well done!
I hear you on the year that was 2012! here’s to a great 2013 for all 🙂
you still managed to be rather prolific by anyone’s standards – no prizes for guessing your preferred colour palette, looking at the mosaic!
all lovely 🙂