Yarn acquisition

So a couple of people asked about the yarn I must’ve accrued while travelling around a country that has 7 sheep for every person.
I’ll admit, I did bring home some yarn. The day we landed in Auckland, we checked into the hotel then went for a wander around the city. It was David that spotted the yarn store. How could I resist?
A ball of Opal sock yarn settled into my luggage.

I’m a huge fan of Opal sock yarn. My very first pair were Opal, and they’re still in great shape, years later. Besides, I couldn’t resist the colours.
The second day we were there, we went to visit the beautiful Jussi and her lovely family. She gifted me with another skein of gorgeousness.

Her own hand dyed Biba yarn in a perfect shade of pink.
And when we went to Agrodome, they had a little yarn shop there. I was actually a little disappointed in the offerings, but picked up some Naturally Waikiwi to knit some socks for David.

And… that’s it. That is the entire sum total of the yarn I got. My yarn purchases were not helped by the fact that I had just found out that Calico & Ivy at Balmain was closing, and we were losing our jobs. Sad. Apart from the obvious loss of income, I’m going to miss the store. I’ve really enjoyed working there, I really like my workmates and it’s been a wonderful environment. Surrounded by so many pretty things and being inspired by all the lovely yarn and fabric, and by all of the customers wonderful ideas and projects.
Not to mention the panic buying when I realised that my easy access to Rowan was about to be stopped cold.
I behaved. I made a list of all my intended projects, matched up my stash to what it wanted to be and took a good long look at all of my yarn. (And fabric, for that matter)
And so I was remarkably well behaved in New Zealand. I may be knitting with my Rowan stash for the next ten years, however!
And if you’re local and inclined to visit, we’ll be there until May 4!

9 thoughts on “Yarn acquisition

  1. thats sad about your job and the store closure 🙁 the yarn from NZ is very lovely though – I haven’t.seen Opal in spectrum before, looks good

  2. I’m sorry you’re losing your job. I got made redundant at the end of February & it was a horrible shock. I hope you find something else soon.

  3. yes very restrained in NZ. its sad to see Calico and Ivy go, but im glad to hear you’ve stocked up well on the rowan and im looking forward to seeing what you make over the next….few years….!

  4. Great purchases. I love Opal too anshave also use Waikiwi and it’s great for socks. So sorry about your job and hope you can find another good opportunity.

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