Water and Stone

I was putting away my washing today which turned into a wardrobe purge. I threw out a lot of stuff, but am still left with a lot of stuff. It got me wondering about how I choose my projects. I don’t wear a lot of what I knit. Sometimes something takes my eye and I cast on straight away without really putting much thought into it. And once it’s finished, I’ll often wear it a bit, then it gets relegated to the back of the wardrobe where it sits until I have a purge. Why? Sometimes something just doesn’t sit right. Sometimes it’s a little small or a little large. My weight has yoyo’d a bit over the past few years – not a lot, but enough that I have clothes in two sizes. Sometimes it just doesn’t suit me when I’m done. There’s a bunch of stuff that was suitable to wear at the shop, not so much at the library. It’s not just knitting, sewing too. At least with ready to wear, you can try it on and decide if you like it. That’s a bit harder with a concept. I need to put a lot more thought into stuff before I cast on.

That said, my latest project will get a lot of wear, I think!



Love it!

Pattern: Water and Stone by Veera Välimäki
Yarn: Wollmeise DK “So Long Kitty” 2.5 skeins
Needles: Dyakcraft Darn Pretty Interchngeables, 4mm
Mods: None.


There’s a mistake or two in the cables, but I’m not going to point them out. And I’m a perfectionist – if I can live with it, anyone can. The pattern is great – easy to follow, and the cables give you enough to think about that the length doesn’t get (too) boring before you’re done.

The Wollmeise? Ugh. I love Wollmeise. I love the yarn, I love the colours, especially this one. (Duh. It’s pink) The DK skeins? Ugh. Ugh. I made my Kauai in it, and those skeins (from her very first DK update!) were fine. These? The first one was fine. The next two took me several hours to wind. Halfway through I swore that if it weren’t wollmeise, it’d be in the bin. There are threads on Ravelry about the tangles, but nothing prepared me for this. Once it was wound, and I’d gotten over my little temper tantrum, I fell in love all over again. It’s gorgeous to knit.

I do fear that it’s going to pill though. (That’s okay, I just bought a Lilly brush!)



Seriously, this won’t be found at the back of the wardrobe!

4 thoughts on “Water and Stone

  1. That’s a beautiful colour and the cables suit the whole design.

    I hear you on the tangled skeins. I spent three hours on one skein recently and did let our friend in Canberra know. She notified the distributors who replaced it. I have since bought another six or so skeins of the same yarn from her. Each was perfect and took minutes to wind, so obviously something had gone wrong with the first skein I bought.

    There should not need to be threads about Wollmeise. Just as there should not need to be threads about foreign matter and multiple knots in Noro. Neither of these is a cheap and nasty acrylic for which you paid a few cents.

  2. Lovely! Well worth all the hassle of winding. I haven’t yet knit with Wollmeise DK and am a little intimidated by all the talk of tangles.

  3. It looks so great – still high on my possibles list for my wollmeise DK – which I am also a bit scared of winding, I may have bought it at the problematic time… Got to finish other projects first (famous last words of a knitter!)

  4. uhhh, I need to do the same wardrobe purge too, for almost the exact same reasons!

    This cardigan is 100% winner though – love the cable, the colour and the length 🙂

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