
So I”m plodding along on Ursula, and she’s growing nicely!



Fair isle and steeking amuses me – at this point it bears very little resemblance to a cardigan, then you do the scary cutting, and ta-da! Hopefully your knitting doesn’t fall apart in your lap! (Yes, it still scares the crap out of me)

It’s not growing quickly, but I’m okay with that. It feels a lot quicker than it actually is. Did I mention that I’ve finally got a permanent position at the library? That happened a couple of months ago, and although the position is part time, it’s been pretty much full time lately, due to people having holidays and such, which is nice for the yarn fund, not so much for the yarn use!

In addition to that, I start Uni tomorrow. Yup. University. I think I’m insane. It’s part time, all done online, and I have no intention of finishing quickly, but there’ll be another impact on the knitting time.

None of this has impacted the yarn purchasing. There’s been some pretties in the mail!


Knit to Flatter (all the items I like are the ones for other body shapes!) a set of Dyakcraft Darn Pretty DPNS in charcoal, bubblegum and Positively Pink, and some Quince and Co from the lovely Suzyhausfrau. That just there is Tern in Columbine and Stonington. The Suzyhausfrau parcels come wrapped in brown paper and string, I love it. There have been others.


This one has some Finch, some Chickadee and some Osprey. There may be a few more skeins that have arrived. Maybe.  I can’t help it, they’re so pretty! I had ordered some ore Tern last week, when the Dusk arrived in store, but the universe ate my order and lost it.

I think the universe is trying to tell me something.

2 thoughts on “Ursula

  1. the Quince & Co colours are just so seductive and alluring, aren’t they?? like softly spoken temptresses…once really can’t blame you for succumbing!

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