Watermelon Drift

So I mentioned a few posts back that I’d got some Shibui Staccato from Suzyhausfrau and that it was already on the needles, but I didn’t say a whole lot more.  I didn’t intend to be all top secret about it, it just turned into this kind of stealth project that was happening in the background, then before I knew it, it was done!



Drifting! The colour isn’t photographing at all well, it’s not as orange as it appears.

Last year at the Stitches and Craft show, I spotted this Staccato in Watermelon at Suzyhausfrau‘s stall I had no plans for it, no idea what I wanted to do with it, the colour just insisted on coming home with me. I picked up three skeins, and home they came. Every now and then I’d flip through patterns on Ravelry, and add a scarf or cowl pattern to my queue, but nothing was exactly right. Then I spotted Drifting. Alas, I needed four skeins and I only had three. I ordered an extra from Suzyhausfrau, figuring I’d have to blend the skeins, but that it would probably work.

My luck was in, it was the same dyelot! Hooray! It flew off the needles, and I think it was just meant to be.

Pattern: Drifting by Cecily Glowik MacDonald
Yarn: Shibui Staccato in Watermelon (Merino/Silk), 4 skeins
Needles: 3.5mm Dyakcraft Darn pretties
Mods: None.

I strongly recommend swatching and washing your swatch. I got gauge on the 4mm needles, but it grew substantially when I blocked it, so I went down to the 3.5mm.

As luck would have it, one night I put my knitting down next to a piece of Liberty Tana Lawn that I had, and inspiration struck. So I made a little flower brooch to wear with it.



Thank you all for the Twinkie thoughts. We’re missing her way more than I thought possible. I’m still expecting to see her everywhere I look.