I’m usually a relatively monogamous knitter. I never have more than three projects on the go at a time. It used to be a sock, some lace and a garment. Socks have sort of fallen out of knitting favour with me, and lace had been the same way. Of course, lace has made a resurgence with the purple shawl lately, but it too has fallen to the wayside the past few weeks.
After I finished my Watermelon Drift I decided to cast on another garment. I had a look through my Ravelry queue and decided upon Corfu. (A side note, I’m also kind of anal about my Ravelry queue. Most of it is matched up to yarn in my stash, and I’ve been making an effort to cull the stash lately, bring it into somewhat manageable proportions!)
I haven’t knit Intarsia in years. I made a baby suit for one of the dolls I made about 15 years ago, but haven’t done much at all since. I’d forgotten that it gets kind of addictive. I just want to keep going to see how it looks after every couple of rows. Of course, it’s also slow as molasses. I knit two rows, then weave in all the ends. It takes almost as long to weave in the ends as it does to knit the two rows. It’s also kind of frustrating, and I frequently look like this.
It is however, coming along nicely.
The beginnings of the cardi I showed you all in the last post hasn’t been completely abandoned. We had a weekend away in Canberra last weekend, and I realised I didn’t have any roadworthy knitting on the go, so I started the cardi. It got a good trip.
It came to dinner.
And to tea.
And was promptly ignored again once we got home and I could pick up the intarsia again.
However, this week we got some big news. A couple of weeks ago we met with our kitchen guy and selected colours for the new kitchen. For the record, we’ve gone with white cupboards and Ceasarstone Atlantic Salt benchtops.
I was working on a timeline that we might see a slab in late March/early April. We had a meeting with the builders on Wednesday, where we signed off on everything, made a few last minute changes and finalised all our colour choices, then the lovely guy told us they expect to start by the end of next week, yay! We’re expected to be done and moving in sometime in mid-October.
So right now it looks like this.
I told David I want him to install a buildercam so I can keep an eye on whats going on, but he nixed the idea. I’ll have to settle for a driveby every weekend!