So I decided to do a mosaic as in past years to show off all the knitting I managed (Cough!) Although to be honest, it was more than I thought.
1. Pink texas, 2. Watermelon drift, 3. Manayunk, 4. Jewelled Cowl, 5. Lau, 6. David’s Green Socks, 7. Eve, 8. Pink Pinwheel, 9. Northallerton, 10. Lusekofte-sque, 11. Little Kina, 12. zuzu’s petals, 13. Vivienne, 14. Cheer, 15. Odessa, 16. Shedir, 17. evie, 18. IMG_6539
I put the house in – it took up a lot of my time and energy in 2014!
So, 17 knitted projects. But lets get honest. Texas was finished on January1, 2014, so it barely counts. The Lau socks and the Eve scarf were projects that had been in hibernation since 2013 and 2012 respectively, so calling them 2014 projects isn’t entirely honest. And of the fourteen remaining, nine are accessories.
I’m trying not to beat myself up about it. It was a big year, and lots of stuff fell by the wayside. This year I’m aiming for balance and trying to ease up on myself a little. More time for relaxing. I hope(!)
I made a new skirt to bring in the New Year.
It’s the Deer and Doe Chardon skirt. Very happy with this one! Made almost exactly to the pattern, I just omitted the bow at the back, because the last thing I need is anything that draws attention to my butt. I did have to get a little creative with the cutting out, as I purchased the last metre available at Spotlight of the fabric. It was tight, but I managed. If I hadn’t had enough, I was going to make the pockets in the pink.
Yes, pockets. Are you listening, fashion designers, pattern designers and fashion retailers? POCKETS. We need them!
I also did some knitting. In fact, I cast on on Christmas Eve and finished the first sock on December 29. Amazing what I can manage when I’m not spending time at work or studying!!
Remarkably productive in a houseoving year! Love the red and grey sock.
Working full-time? Studying? Building a house? and still completing all this knitting? To me it’s a triumph of productivity. Well done.
Pretty amazing… and then there’s the fact that you have a LIFE too!