I am weak. I succumbed.

I am weak. I succumbed.

wisteria.jpg dusky purple.jpg

That’s what my Ribby Cardi will be made of. I need another project like I need a hole in the head, but there you have it.
Top Secret Christmas Project number one has been completed tonight. The next one is now on the needles. Sssh 🙂

5 thoughts on “I am weak. I succumbed.

  1. Hey, you held out for as long as you could! And it’s not like you bought something outrageous. (Speaking as someone-on-a-diet-cuz-I-bought-enough-for-2-ribbies-in-the-past-month)

  2. Donna! You’re a woman after my own heart. I’ve been drooling over just those 2 shades of the Peruvian myself, but I have no way of justifying that purchase. Still, that elann price is calling to me…and it’s becomeing harder and harder to resist.
    I’m glad someone I know snagged the purple wool. Now I can live vicariously through you!

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