I got quite a bit done on the Neckdown Pullover last night and today.
As I said before, I have decided to knit the 42″ size. However, I was a little concerned that the raglan “seams” seemed to be short, and I was getting more than a little worried that I was going to have to rip it back again and start the 46″ size.
I put in a safety line just above the part where you seperate for the sleeves, figuring that I could just keep increasing for a few more rows if I had to. I then persevered until I got to this point (just under the underarms), and tried it on. I am happy to say that my fears were for nought, and all appears to be going swimmingly. I am now up to the part where i just knit and knit around and around, for 20 inches or so. Boredom is already setting in. Maybe it’ll be a crop top 😉