Why is it that whenever I plan to have some free time, it never happens? I thought that after the dance concert, I would be able to settle down a little and start to have a little more time. Ha!
My best friend from High School had a baby boy on Friday. So today, we ended up at the hospital visiting. He’s so cute. Not cute enough to make me want one, but cute 😉 We spent a couple of hours up there visiting. We did some Christmas shopping yesterday, and although I planned to finish the shopping, I couldn’t get a great many things. Who would think that it would be difficult to get Pokemon Leaf Green or Fire Red this close to Christmas? And why didn’t I buy it a month ago? This game is a neccesity – we’re driving 17 hours to Queensland, and 17 hours back. I need it to keep Em quiet 😉
We rent our house, and the Real Estate sent me a letter on Wednesday saying that they are coming to inspect the house this Wednesday, so every other spare moment has been taken up with house cleaning. My favourite pastime. No, really. Really. No you’re right, not even I believe it.
And finally, this is the corner where the Christmas Tree goes.
What do you notice? (Not the stash box under the table!)
No Christmas Tree! I figure that seeing as we’re not even going to be here at Christmas, I needn’t bother. I haven’t even put the wreath on the door. Am I mean?
NO Christmas tree? And Em is okay with this? 🙂
I love the little sheepy, by the way in the picture!
A wreath is good!