Jill sent me some gadgets!

Jill sent me some gadgets! 🙂


I love gadgets. There were other things in the package, but they are intended for Em’s christmas stocking, and she’s a snoop, so they can’t go up here yet. I had asked Jill to get me a Chibi (or two 😉 and she popped way more in there for us. There are so many gadgets that can be got in the US that we can’t get here.
I finished the first sleeve of the neckdown and started the second. Hopefully I can have this sweater done by the end of the weekend, and start something new.
I should never say something like that, because if I say it, it never happens!

One thought on “Jill sent me some gadgets!

  1. Isn’t Jill a doll? She sent me the pattern for Weeping Willow Shawl, just because I admired it on her site. See, to me, that’what ROAK, Random Acts of Kindness is all about. Not necessarily belonging to a list, but sending someone something straight out of the blue, just because.

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