
Yesterday, David and I drove down to Canberra so I could have lunch with some long time blog buddies. It’s not at all unusual for Ailsa and I to get together, but yesterday we finally got to meet Jacqueline, who has been one of my online friends for a long, long time. In fact, she was the first person to join the Aussie Knitters Webring when I first started it, way back when!
On the way down, we stopped at Goulburn, so I could feed the coffee addiction and also so I could take a picture of The Big Merino.

There is a store inside the Big Merino. It sells lots of local goods, knitwear and sheepskin goods, but unfortunately no yarn. Boo!
Anyway, we went back along our way, and met Ailsa and Jacqueline at the Botanic Gardens where we had a very nice lunch, and a long leisurely chat. Then we decided that the day was young, and there just happened to be A Celebration of Wool happening at the markets just down the road, so off we went.
We were remarkably restrained. In fact, I only purchased one single, solitary skein of yarn.

Although I’m not sure it’s earned the title “yarn”. Thread seems somehow more appropriate.

60/2 pure silk. 3000 metres per 100g. Hello insanity!
I was somewhat excited to see that Waratah Fibres were there. They’re the people who dyed the yarn I’m using for my Clapotis. But the lady confirmed that the yarn I’m using was a one-off dealie, and there is no more to be had.
I haven’t yet frogged it, but I have decided that frogged it must be. Right now, it’s in the naughty corner. And I’ve started something else.

A Selbu Modern for Emily. Again. She rarely wears the things I knit for her, so why do I continue to knit for her? (Besides which, I got her report card today. She’s fortunate that she’s still breathing at this point.)
I saw Miss Fee’s Selbu Modern a while back, and loved it immediately. And made the mistake of showing it to Em. So a Selbu Modern it is. Or will be, anyway!
I’m having a birthday soon. Well, kind of soon. In two weeks. But Jill decided not to take any chances on the Postal Service, and sent me a birthday gift early.
So pretty!

I thought about being strong and not opening it until my birthday. That lasted about 45 seconds. Inside were treasures.

Some Dizzy Blonde sock yarn in the “Faith” colourway, some Dove dark chocolate, and Cookie A’s sock book.
But it gets better.

Signed! How awesome is that?

20 thoughts on “Canberra

  1. We’ll having gotten to know you I understand the instant insanity. Is the Subway attached too?
    What a oh so special pre-birthday gift!

  2. Jill is awesome! I’ll be taking notes on how you handle the report card situation for the future. And happy early Birthday 🙂

  3. Damn! I thought it was you at the wool day but didnt want to frighten anyone if i was wrong… should’ve just risked the call to the men in white coats :p
    Signed book – noice!

  4. As I remember from last year, we have the same birthday – you’re May 31st, right? Colin Farrel also has a May 31st birthday.
    The yarn looks yummy! Also, while Emily may not appreciate all the things you knit for her now, she will at some point (my mom sews for me, and for awhile I took it for granted…until I realized not everyone had a mom to sew for them!).

  5. i am bummed i just missed you! i held that silk insanity and wanted it but couldnt for the life of me think what i would make with it. i look forward to seeing what you do. and drool over the signed cookie book. very cool!

  6. w00t. An autographed Cookie A. wow.
    Sorry to have missed you at the OBDM. I saw that lace-cobweb-stuff. It’s beautiful. Looking forward to seeing what magic you spin with it.

  7. signed book – woo hoo! How very cool!
    And that silk thread – oh my. Can’t wait to see what you make with it! Something big, I hope…

  8. What a great gift – can’t wait to see what you make out of the book!
    The silk yarn – amazing! You should start something with it right away. 🙂

  9. Oh, can’t wait to see what you come up with for that yarn. I bought some thread-like lace yarn once at Rhinebeck and I just look at it now and sigh.

  10. The yarn reminds me of my 2 ply silk & I knitted it with 2 strands together which made it much easier. You lucky girl to receive an autograph book!

  11. … yeah, that’s silk thread. Going for the True Cobweb Shawl experience, then?
    I’m aghast that the Big Merino didn’t actually contain yarn. If I ever get to your side of the world, though, I’m totally going to stop by for the photo op. Just so my husband can tell *that* story for years, instead of the “she dragged me to Fargo, North Dakota (the US equivalent of “middle of nowhere”) for our honeymoon and STILL managed to find a really good cross-stitch shop while we were there. I think she knew it was there…” (Yeah, I did. But Fargo was the ONLY city we could find where we didn’t have friends or relatives wanting to visit with us for a bit while we were in town. Sorry, NOT on our honeymoon!)

  12. omg you are knitting royalty indeed! how are you going to fit all these extra patterns into your personal sock club.
    i had a fabulous day on sunday and really enjoyed catching up with you and ailsa. i won’t say ‘meeting’ because seriously it was like i’ve known you both for years. (which in a way i guess i have)!

  13. Wow – a signed Cookie book! You lucky, lucky, lucky duck! Loved your line about the fine yarn of insanity. It sounds like a line from ‘The Princess Bride’!

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