Still computerless

My computer is still off being repaired. While this makes blogging, cruising Ravelry and twittering more difficult than usual, it’s done wonders for the sewing and the knitting!
I’m using Emily’s computer when she isn’t, but it’s not the same as my own, and it’s making downloading pictures and stuff a pain. But I do have some!
I finished the Rivendell socks, much to Emily’s delight. (I’m still peeved that they’re too small for my cankles!)

I love the finished look of these socks, but I wasn’t impressed with the pattern, or the yarn.
Pattern: Rivendell by Janel Laidman
Yarn: Sundara Sock Yarn in “Pink Dreams”
Needles: 2mm
Mods: I rewrote the heel turn, because the one in the pattern just didn’t work for me. I also rounded the toe a little more than the pattern called for.

By the way, the actual colour is pinker than it appears here, at least on Emily’s monitor. I couldn’t get it right on this computer!
As I just mentioned, the heel as written just didn’t work. I looked on Ravelry, and maybe it was just me, because I couldn’t find any errata, or any comments or posts about the heel! The yarn? I can’t understand the fuss, to be honest. The red dots through it aggravated me. And you can’t see it in these pictures, but there is a great big red spot right in the centre of the top of the foot on one of the socks. And there was a placein the yarn that was almost split through. It was nice enough to knit with, but it wasn’t the fantabulous stuff I’d thought it must be.
But again, maybe that’s just me!
I got to pick a new sock club shipment.

Mountain Colors Bearfoot in “Wildflower”. I’m going to use this to make CookieA’s BFF socks.
Selbu Modern has also seen some action.

I’m still uncertain about the colour combination, but Em still loves it, and she’s the one who will be wearing it. At least she does seem to wear the handknit hats, even if she doesn’t wear anything else I make her!
In sewing news, I’m in the middle of sequinning something else she will wear.

It’s for her new fast tap routine, and I need to cover all the gold lycra with sequins. It’s happening, slowly.
And when you walk around here, you need to watch where you’re walking.

You may trip over half a bunny.

9 thoughts on “Still computerless

  1. that socks look purple on my screen!! weird 🙂 love the colourful selbu!!! reminds me of paddle pop with the rainbow colours!!
    the gold costume is looking great but that’s a lot of work to cover all the Lycra with sequins!!!

  2. Hang in there with the sequins.
    P.S My mum was giving out shortcut hints in Spotlight at Liverpool to another mother who got volunteered for costume making. I showed her your post on the number of costumes and she said to say she feels the effort!

  3. I love the pattern on the sock legs. The yarn looks lavender on my monitor.
    I hope Em is wearing that black sequined bolero she demanded you knit!!
    Good luck with the sequins! Eek!!

  4. Gorgous socks – sorry you didn’t love the yarn, but they really are pretty.
    The costume is amazing – good luck with the sequins.

  5. So glad to see that you could get on Em’s ‘puter. Pretty socks. I like the colors in the Selbu Modern. Ooh, I have saved the BFF sock pattern.
    Sequins! Do you have to sew one at a time or do they now come together. I have not kept up with sewing in over 30 yrs and that is what I graudated from in NYC, a dressmaker & designer. Life took a 180 turn around.

  6. The socks are lovely & I don’t see any pink. My goodness, that’s a lot of sequins to sew but the costume is lovely. You are clever in sewing as well.

  7. I love that sock pattern so it’s a shame it’s a bit wonky in the writing. Oh well, it’s not like I don’t have about 200 other sock patterns I can use!! (actually that’s probably a good blog post!!)
    Gosh, all that sequining – gah!!!!

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