April 23, 2004
I finished Emily's bucket hat
I finished Emily's bucket hat today, but I don't have any pictures yet as it's still blocking. All in all, I'm pleased with it, and she certainly is! It's a great fun knit, really quick and not difficult. The yarn I used was probably a little on the soft side, I'll wait until it's dried before I decide.
I cast on DH's new beanie, but no pictures of that, because an inch of ribbing just isn't that exciting ;)
Aside from that, the current focus in my house today is Mother's Day and my birthday. Both of which occur next month. Now I'm being asked what I want. I don't know! I'd really like an Everyday cardigan kit. But with the car needing repairs, and with the current size of my stash, maybe that's not the best thing to ask for. I don't wear alot of jewellery, I don't need clothes, I can't think of any particular books or CD's I want. Except for a few knitting books, but I can imagine the faces when I mention a $65 knitting book ;) I don't want kitchen tools, I hate to cook. I don't need slippers or a dressing gown. Hmmmmm. Suggestions welcome.