May 27, 2004
Only 4 rows of Charlotte
Only 4 rows of Charlotte today :(
Silly teachers strike. Why is it that I have been looking forward to sleeping in today all week, but I woke up when DH got up at 6.30am, and couldn't go back to sleep. I woke up earlier than usual, not later! And I'm feeling it now, I could go to sleep on the keyboard, LOL! Not good Charlotte time, though.
So we had a generally lazy day, went to the local burger joint for lunch, had dancing lessons later in the afternoon, found out via the news tonight that a house just around the corner (like 500 metres away) has had 2 dead bodies in it for 8 - 10 months (eewww - we drive by that house every single day coming home from school!) It's very odd to hear your suburb mentioned on the news.
I did get one gigantic mitten finished, ready for felting. As soon as I finish the second one. Funny how these aren't going so quickly now that Charlotte is in the house. :)