September 24, 2004
Great mail day again! :)
Great mail day again! :)
Jill came through with a great parcel yet again!!
Woohoo! Now I can be like Sandy and become a sock knitting machine ;) I've had the Knitting on the Road book on my Amazon wish list for a while, and I love the other one, too. I hope Six Sox puts the adult pattern up quick, or temptation may get the better of me, and I'll start one from these books.
A few weeks ago, a lady named Kathy contacted me, after she saw Em's Katia cardigan on my blog. She had a dilemma. She was half a ball short of the Katia yarn for a sweater she was knitting herself, and couldn't find any more. So I sent her the bit I had left, and luckily it was enough for her to finish the sweater. I was happy enough to send it - I was never going to use a half ball of Katia Denim!
Today, this lovely bar of homemade soap and cute card showed up as a thankyou. Well, thankyou Kathy, it's lovely! :)
The Aussie & NZ knitters webring will hopefully be active at some point this weekend. My beloved DH who is a software developer by day is busily building a page for the ring as we speak. And with my DH, close enough is never good enough. I will post here as soon as it's up and running, I promise.
And just because I haven't put a picture up lately, Twinky asks why I'm pointing that camera at her :)
Hi Twinky!!! I feel like making her my mascot. Hee hee!
VERY GOOD idea re the Aussie Knit ring. My newest hostee,, asked me about New Zealand and Australian knitters with blogs. The only one I could think of to mention to her was yours, because yours is the one I read. Very good idea to round 'em up together, so us Aussie/NZ fans can visit you all in one go.
Posted by: Becky at September 25, 2004 04:09 AM
I'm so excited about the Aussi Knit ring - and thanks for adding NZ. I'll have a lot of fun surfing around that ring.
Posted by: Marie at September 25, 2004 03:39 AM