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March 17, 2005

I haven't been updating alot

I haven't been updating alot because I've been boring knitting. It's all for a good cause, but that doesn't make it any more exciting! I'm up to 5 pairs of mittens and 4 hats for the Dulaan Project so far, with another pair of mittens on the needles.
But I must admit it's starting to get a little boring now.
To try and beat the boredom I decided to knit something quick for myself.

silkgarden gloves.jpg

Late last year I bought a single, lonely skien of Noro Silk Garden, but I had no idea what to make with it, so it's been sitting around doing nothing for a few months. Then I saw Wendy's Fingerless Mitts pattern.
Voila! I love them! I love Silk Garden! Now Em wants a pair. Of course.

It's wet and rainy here today.


It's actually a nice change from the heat, and we need the rain. Twinkie, however is unimpressed.


No going outside to play today!

Posted by Donna at March 17, 2005 09:52 AM


I'm always tempted to buy just one or two balls of a new yarn just to play with it. But I'm project driven and try not to buy any yarn unless I have a project in mind. If not, I try to buy enough for a sweater or something. I do have one or two balls left over from projects. And I have no idea what to do with it!

Posted by: Evelyn at March 17, 2005 04:04 PM

Your mitts look wonderful! I think I have some single skeins of Noro Silk Garden and Kureyon. I think I know what everyone is getting for Christmas next year . . .

Posted by: Wendy at March 17, 2005 09:22 PM