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April 07, 2005

Satin has sleeves. Well, partly.


Because Satin is an oversized style sweater, the sleeves aren't really very long, so I only have 30 rows to go. Then it's just the front, seaming and neckband. Just. ;)

I also restarted the Mountain Colors sock, but now it was coming out too big. I'm using the "Purl Lace Socks" pattern from Socks, socks, socks.
I didn't want too fussy a pattern, because of the lovely variegated colours in the yarn, but I didn't want plain stocking stitch, because I get bored, and I'm already doing Stocking Stitch on Satin.
I was using 2.5mm needles, but I have frogged it, and I'll restart on 2.25mm needles.
Last day of school today, I just have to take Em to school tomorrow for an hour for Parent Teacher interviews, then it's school holidays. Yay. At least I get to sleep in for two weeks :)

Posted by Donna at April 7, 2005 02:21 PM


At least by doing Satin's sleeves both at the same time, there'll be no procrastination on them. Wonder why the sleeves are looking so pale....you aren't changing colors, are you?

Posted by: Evelyn at April 8, 2005 09:36 AM

Okay - I'm losing it. I just glanced at the picture and thought, "Wow, Donna is knitting herself a bikini top!" Hee!

Posted by: Bliss at April 9, 2005 07:56 AM