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August 03, 2006

Where does the time go? I've not got much knitting done lately. This week I've been spending a substantial amount of time on the swap, but hopefully now that the matches are being organised, that will calm down a bit.

In any case, posting pics of Icarus is a bit of a waste of time, it looks the same as the last pic, with maybe 5 or 6 extra rows done.
Icarus was the only thing I had on the needles, and it wasn't the most convenient knitting, so I started Em's hat.


Crappy picture again.
It looks very small. It's the "Winter Cap" from the current issue of the Aussie Creative Knitting. I don't often knit anything from the magazine, and 10 rows in on this project, and I'm remembering why.
As I mentioned, the hat looks a little small. However, I can't check my gauge.
I tried, but the gauge listed is "22sts to 10cm on 4mm needles over stocking stitch", which is standard 8ply (DK) tension, but the hat is knit on 6mm needles with the DK yarn doubled, so the gauge they've given is useless.
So I guess I'll soldier on for a bit, then check it against Em's head.

In very, very good news, David has a new job! He starts in just over 2 weeks, and he's getting a nice little pay rise. So I'm treating us to a new digital camera.
Decent pictures will be here soon!

Now it's time for handy hints.
Does anyone know how to get candle wax off carpet? My wall sconce overflowed, and there is now wax all over my hall carpet and I don't know how to get it off!

And a handy hint for everyone else - If you have the hiccups, have half a teaspoon of peanut butter.
It works. Seriously!

Posted by Donna at August 3, 2006 11:12 PM


Good luck with the candle wax. I once got melted crayon off of our fabric car seats. I used a method I read about somewhere that used and iron and a towel, I think. It was so long ago, I've forgotten. I bet someone out there knows a good tip though.

Posted by: wool winder at August 3, 2006 11:42 PM

Iron over brown paper.

Brown paper soaks the wet wax back up

Thanks to Lady Flo's home cook book household book yes it does have the scones in there too

Posted by: tianne at August 3, 2006 11:51 PM

Chip as much off as you can, then the iron over brown paper. It worked with dark green wax on a cream colored carpet in a rented apartment, and we got back all of the security deposit. To get if off/out of a sconce (or any other object) put the sconce in the freezer for about half an hour and the wax will pop right off. Any further questions of wax? Let me know--I sold candles and candle accessories for 2 years total, 1 year retail, 1 year wholesale. I can light the entire neighborhood in case of a power outage, and it'll probably smell pretty good, too. ;)

Posted by: Cathy at August 4, 2006 12:24 AM

Here's what Shannon Lush from the ABC Spotless book says -
You need : ice, blunt knife, paper towel, metal comb, hair dryer.
Put ice on the wax to harden it then scrape as much away as possible with a blunt knife. Wedge a metal comb underneath the wax and put a paper towel on top of the wax. The use the hair dryer over it. The paper towel will absorb the wax. Repeat till all the wax is removed. Never use an iron on carpet as it can char natural fibres or melt synthetic fibres.
Whoa, hope that helps!!!
And, as usual, Creative Knitting gets it right(not)!!!

Posted by: 2paw at August 4, 2006 12:52 AM

Yeah for a new camera!! I want to hear more about David's new job! We are in the middle of downsizing for Robert's company, and I am hoping that he's not part of this next downsize.

I love the color of the hat.

Posted by: Tammy at August 4, 2006 03:23 AM

I thought about telling you to just set it on fire, but that's probably not a good idea. I've heard the paper method others have mentioned works well. But you know, if it doesn't, you can set it on fire :)

Hooray for a new camera! I think your pictures have always came out well, but we'll keep that between us so it doesn't ruin your chances of getting a new one.

Posted by: Restless Knitter at August 4, 2006 03:50 AM

Just be sure to use enough paper towels to absorb the wax, you don't want it getting on your iron plate.

Hiccups- Stick a knife in a glass of water. I have never tried it, must be an old wives tale.

Posted by: Chris at August 4, 2006 04:49 AM

What? The Computer Guru gets a new job? Will he still be online to help when I need him?

I was going to say Iron and brown paper...but others did. :)

Posted by: Donni at August 4, 2006 02:27 PM

I was going to tell you the brown paper one but it seems you have already been told! LOL. Congrats to David on the job front too.

Posted by: NattyChick at August 4, 2006 06:06 PM

If the ice, iron and paper bag method doesn't work you can always just dribble candle wax all over the carpet and make it look like it's a new decorating idea. LOL

Posted by: Diane at August 5, 2006 08:43 AM

Congrats on the new job David!!!
And like everyone else said brown paper and stuff.

Posted by: Carol at August 5, 2006 09:37 AM

Best to use the ice it, scrape it, iron/paper bag method. Just make sure the iron is on the lowest setting. A hair dryer would work, but it would take so long that you'd want to stick pointy things in your ears to block the sound out.

Peanut butter, huh? Maybe I'll turn the kids into guinea pigs! ;-)

Posted by: Dorothy B at August 5, 2006 03:19 PM