September 20, 2006
I've been crazy busy again. I've done no sewing all week, so I was a little in front last week, but now I'm behind again!
Monday I had canteen duty at school. Enough said, moving right along. Terrible headache Monday afternoon and evening, and still off colour yesterday.
Yesterday, I took my mum to the doctor to get her test results for diabetes. She doesn't have diabetes. That's good! As an afterthought, she mentioned to the doctor that she had a little lesion on her shoulder that has been bothering her.
It's skin cancer. That's bad.
It has to come off within the next two weeks.
Hopefully it's been caught in time.
Today I went shopping. That's good! And bad. (For the bank account, anyway.) I have a love/hate relationship with clothes shopping, but I got a few things.
A few months back I bought myself a new necklace that would go beautifully with a top I bought today, and I have spent the past hour ripping the house apart looking for it. I have no idea what I've done with it.
And I've been knitting some.
Cece is growing.
I'm getting a little bit tired of it now, and I'm at that "I've had enough, what can I start now?" stage, but I'm trying to battle through. The size looks more realistic now, but it's not quite at the stage where I can try her on again.
To beat the itchy fingers, I started a washcloth.
A washcloth is good for a change, and it knits up quick. I still haven't used one though!
To be honest, I want to do lace. I keep going through all my lace patterns and patting my lace stash. Soon, my pretties!
And now my keyboard keeps stopping. I think new batteries are in order.
Posted by Donna at September 20, 2006 02:08 PMComments
You have made good progress on CeCe 2. Nice color and pattern on the washcloth. Hope your Mom is ok.
Posted by: Wendy G at September 20, 2006 11:34 PMWishing the best for your mom. Glad she thought to say something. You will get to knit lace soon, because you're making great progress on Cece.
Posted by: wool winder at September 21, 2006 12:06 AMI hope your mum is going to be ok. I love the colourway of yourwashcloth.
Posted by: kylie at September 21, 2006 09:03 AMLoving Cece, looks great. Hope your mum is okay. I have had two lesions removed, one which was cancerous. After surgery, skin graft and trying to walk again when I had just had Lachlan, I am now okay. You usually have checkups for the next 5 years to make sure its gone, and I only get pains in my leg when it is going to rain. Great weather forecaster I tell you. Getting it removed wont hurt, just the needle is painful and I dont really get bothered by them, so just let her know what to expect. It does sting a bit. Good luck to her, and I hope it all goes well.
Posted by: Sue at September 21, 2006 10:30 AMHi,love the dishcloth,I think I have that colour too!
Hope your Mums ok, I have a couple of solar spots on my face that have to go but getting time off to get them done is a problem as I have to take time off for other things and I think my boss will be annoyed.....It would be easy if the doctors here in town could do them but no I have to travel 60 k's to the next surgery and they only do them at 1 in the afternoon(they have to be cut off) and with kids schooll ,well you get the picture!
You can certainly knit fast,that top is moving along!!!!!
Hope your Mum is ok Donna and it all goes well. Cece looks great as does the wash cloth. And I hope you find your necklace. I lost a brooch that I love and only bought a couple of months ago. I only wore it once and I cannot find it anywhere, its very frustrating.
Posted by: Helen at September 22, 2006 11:38 PM
Oh, I hope your Mum is OK. Sounds like a lucky question she asked.
Posted by: 2paw at September 20, 2006 05:32 PMOh, but Cece is almost finished, and you have knitted almost 2!!
I am the same with wash/dish cloths!! Can I bear to sully them???? Yours is very pretty!!