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January 15, 2010


So, here's how the Cap Shawl was looking on January 11.

I cast on the shawl on June 12, and have been working on it intermittently in the seven months since. I started to work on it again on Monday, because I had plans to enter it into the Sydney Easter Show, and needed to get back to work on it. By this morning, I was up to row 135. Not long after I began my first round, I discovered this mistake.

I contemplated it for a little while, but decided it couldn't be fudged, the stitch count was out and it would affect the pattern in that section. It's twelve rows back and I didn't much like the idea of tinking back 12 rows when there's somewhere in the neighbourhood of 700 sts per row.

I decided to be brave and try surgery to remedy it.

I carefully undid that section back to the mistake. I sorted out the threads and pinned them out of the way.

So far, so good.

It was all downhill from there. I dropped stitches that I couldn't recover and lost the pattern entirely.

The Cap Shawl is no more.

Seven months of knitting, twenty minutes to frog. You'll find me in the corner, with a box of tissues.

Posted by Donna at January 15, 2010 07:55 PM


Oh no, you poor thing. What a difficult lie, the life of a lace knitter is. It looked so beautiful though.

Posted by: 2paw at January 15, 2010 08:30 PM

I would be inconsolable. I'm so sorry for you. Good effort on trying to save it. What a loss.

Posted by: bells at January 15, 2010 08:58 PM

Sending positive thoughts. It really was beautiful.

Posted by: Kylie at January 15, 2010 09:23 PM

Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! But how brave to try to fix it - I don't even think I could contemplate that...

Posted by: Rose Red at January 15, 2010 09:40 PM

You mean you FROGGED THE WHOLE THING?!! You might find me in the corner with a box of tissues to. I'm feeling your pain..

Posted by: Ailsa at January 15, 2010 09:46 PM

As I was reading this I was so sure it would have a happy ending - such bravery deserved to be rewarded. And then, disaster! How awful for you.

Posted by: LynS at January 15, 2010 10:11 PM

Like Lyn, I was expecting a happy ending, was hugely impressed and hoping to learn something from you for when I'm next in a similar situation. I think what I've learned is to have a box of tissues handy.

It looked so gorgeous. I'm really sorry.

Posted by: SallyO at January 15, 2010 10:46 PM

*Hug* That's just the total, complete opposite of fun.

Posted by: CraftyGryphon at January 15, 2010 11:59 PM

Oh, no!!!!!! Take a handful of good chocolate and a cup of tea, and feel better about the thing soon!

Posted by: Cathy at January 16, 2010 12:52 AM

i guess you coulda croaked! what a brave attempt - i probably would've taken the coward's way out and just stashed the whole thing in the bottom of some basket....

Posted by: debbie at January 16, 2010 03:04 AM

Oh Donna, I was like Lynn and thought that it would end happily. I'm sooooooooo sorry. It was so beautiful. You were very brave to rip it out, I'm afraid I would have just buried it somewhere.

Posted by: Tracey Carsto at January 16, 2010 04:14 AM

Big Big tears from my corner.

Posted by: Kendra L at January 16, 2010 05:04 AM

I didn't read the title of your post when I started reading the post, so it as a super sad surprise ending! I'm so sad for you! Please be sure to begin again. You've inspired me to knit lace in the past, and now I'm on this big lace kick, and I was thinking that shawl is very similar to something ?I want to make, and I can't wait to see it finished, and now it's gone! (sorry for the run on sentence but this is a case of PTSD) And now I'm at a loss for words...

Posted by: Lex at January 16, 2010 07:59 AM

Oh no, Donna! I am so sorry it met it's demise, the yarn is gorgeous. I was reading along thinking you are much braver than me. I would be too afraid to drop it down and instead would have slowly tinked backward, swearing under my breath the whole time.

Posted by: Suzanne at January 16, 2010 10:09 AM

Oh no! It was beautiful. (oops shouldn't say that)
What shawl? I didn't see any shawl. (Best to block this memory) I did with my two jackets - I knit 4 but I have 2.

Posted by: Tigers at January 16, 2010 11:08 AM


Posted by: Donna S. at January 16, 2010 11:23 AM

oh no - now I understand the tweets from last night - I hope a sleep has helped - but sad and brave at the same time that you frogged it all

Posted by: missfee at January 16, 2010 11:25 AM

how sad! I think I need to cry with you :(

Posted by: Meadow at January 16, 2010 01:35 PM

Donna, I'm so sorry. It happened to me so often with the Myrtle Leaf Shawl but never so advanced as that! You have my deepest sympathies.

Posted by: Lynne at January 16, 2010 06:15 PM

I can just see you in the corner crying, rocking back and forth, not knowing what to do. You must be so frustrated with it all.

Posted by: Anne at January 16, 2010 07:15 PM

Oh...my...god. I am still reeling after you practically knitted Wicked twice after the dyelot incident. You are a funny little fella aren't cha?? Oh well, I guess you saved ten bucks for the entry...

Posted by: Sheridan at January 16, 2010 07:46 PM

I read about it over on Twitter and thought "ooh no!!! that would have me screaming!!"

I am sorry it couldnt be saved :( what a disaster!


Posted by: Katt at January 16, 2010 07:52 PM

*hugs* Can I add chocolate movenpick ice-cream to your box of tissues?

I'm so sorry, that was looking stunning and I was also hoping for a happy ending. What a disaster indeed.

Posted by: Shelley at January 16, 2010 08:25 PM

it did look stunning it really did. i nearly cried too when i heard. seeing the pictures just makes it worse. i have nothing helpful to say except im very sorry to hear about this....

Posted by: drk at January 17, 2010 07:33 AM

Oh Donna!!!how brave to undo back to it,at least it was wortha try!!!Chin up and have fun looking for another pattern for the show!!!

Posted by: cathy at January 17, 2010 10:57 AM

Oh no! it looked beautiful. *offers chocolate*

Posted by: bubblebee-Lauren at January 17, 2010 11:13 AM

Oh what a shame Donna. That really is too bad/ Big hugs, nat xx

Posted by: Nat at January 17, 2010 02:51 PM

Oh Donna!

I feel sick thinking about it. Virtual gin headed your way.

Posted by: Lara at January 18, 2010 06:32 AM

Can I just say that I was hugely impressed the 4th photo and thought - wow - very organised, so that's how you do it... and then I cried.

Posted by: Lien at January 18, 2010 09:52 AM

Oh no, Donna! Condolences! I too was sure it would be a happy ending - I think it's the lovely organised photos. Damn.

Posted by: Olivia at January 18, 2010 11:08 AM

This is just horrible! I'm sending many many nice calming thoughts your way, even though they won't help at all. I would be just as inconsolable.

Need some more tissues?

Posted by: Andrea @ Let Me Knit! at January 18, 2010 03:05 PM

You poor, poor girl. I'm so sorry for your loss. I always hate it when that happens. Are you going to cast on again?

Posted by: Madame Purl at January 19, 2010 01:48 AM

Thats dreadful news !!
What a shame.

Posted by: Nicky at January 19, 2010 06:32 AM


That is just so sad. I hope you find a new project to fall in love with soon. What a loss!

Posted by: mary at January 19, 2010 07:41 AM

Oh no, I am so sorry!! It was very beautiful.

Posted by: Samantha at January 20, 2010 02:30 AM

That is a shame - but I think its amazing that you tried to fix it the way you did!

I hope you find a new project that you love fast!

Posted by: Jeanne at January 20, 2010 08:55 AM

Oh dear. I am sure you can save it. Just leave it for a few days & then get back to it. Good luck.

Posted by: Ann at January 23, 2010 09:59 AM

But it's not really about the product, it's about the process, right? Right? Aww...who'm I kidding. I would have frogged it then ceremonially burnt the yarn so I'd never have to think about it again. Best of luck with the next one. It was really, really lovely. :)

Posted by: Jodi at January 26, 2010 07:33 AM